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/* TrackDisplayScheduling.h */
#ifndef Included_TrackDisplayScheduling_h
#define Included_TrackDisplayScheduling_h
/* TrackDisplayScheduling module depends on */
/* MiscInfo.h */
/* Audit */
/* Debug */
/* Definitions */
/* Array */
/* TrackObject */
/* FrameObject */
/* Memory */
/* Fractions */
/* DataMunging */
/* NoteObject */
/* TieTrackPixel */
/* TieTracking */
/* StaffCalibration */
struct TrackDispScheduleRec;
typedef struct TrackDispScheduleRec TrackDispScheduleRec;
/* forward declarations */
struct TrackObjectRec;
struct NoteObjectRec;
struct TieIntersectListRec;
/* how much space between notes */
/* create a new schedule state record */
TrackDispScheduleRec* NewTrackDisplaySchedule(struct TrackObjectRec* MainTrackObj);
/* dispose of schedule state record */
void DisposeTrackDisplaySchedule(TrackDispScheduleRec* Schedule);
/* add track to schedule list */
MyBoolean AddTrackToDisplaySchedule(TrackDispScheduleRec* Schedule,
struct TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* delete a track from the schedule list */
void DeleteTrackFromDisplaySchedule(TrackDispScheduleRec* Schedule,
struct TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* apply schedule to tracks. */
MyBoolean TrackDisplayScheduleUpdate(TrackDispScheduleRec* Schedule);
/* find out where a pixel position is located in the score. it returns the */
/* index of the frame the position is on and *OnFrame is True if it was on a frame. */
/* otherwise, it returns the index of the frame that the position precedes and */
/* sets *OnFrame to False. TrackObj is the track that we want to find positions */
/* with respect to. */
MyBoolean TrackDisplayPixelToIndex(TrackDispScheduleRec* Schedule,
struct TrackObjectRec* TrackObj, long PixelPosition,
MyBoolean* OnFrame, long* Index);
/* mark scheduler so that it recalculates all the stuff. the track and frame */
/* index specify where recalculation has to start from, so that data before that */
/* doesn't need to be updated. */
void TrackDisplayScheduleMarkChanged(TrackDispScheduleRec* Schedule,
struct TrackObjectRec* TrackObj, long FrameIndex);
/* calculate the pixel index for a frame based on it's array index */
MyBoolean TrackDisplayIndexToPixel(TrackDispScheduleRec* Schedule,
long TrackIndex, long FrameIndex, long* Pixel);
/* get the number of tracks controlled by this scheduler */
long TrackDisplayGetNumTracks(TrackDispScheduleRec* Schedule);
/* look up the track index of a specific track */
long TrackDisplayGetTrackIndex(TrackDispScheduleRec* Schedule,
struct TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the track specified by the index (0..last func return value - 1) */
struct TrackObjectRec* TrackDisplayGetParticularTrack(TrackDispScheduleRec* Schedule,
long Index);
/* get the total length of the track */
MyBoolean TrackDisplayGetTotalLength(TrackDispScheduleRec* Schedule,
long* LongestLength);
/* find out what NOTE (not frame) is at the specified location. NIL */
/* is returned if no note is there. If the flag is clear, then it's a note, */
/* otherwise it's a command. If you intend to modify it, then pass an address */
/* for FrameIndex so you know what to pass to TrackDisplayScheduleMarkChanged. */
struct NoteObjectRec* TrackDisplayGetUnderlyingNote(TrackDispScheduleRec* Schedule,
long TrackIndex, MyBoolean* CommandFlag, long PixelX,
long* FrameIndex);
/* find out if a certain frame should be drawn. this is for squashing command */
/* frames from channels other than the front channel */
MyBoolean TrackDisplayShouldWeDrawIt(TrackDispScheduleRec* Schedule,
long TrackIndex, long FrameIndex);
/* find out what index a measure bar should be. if it shouldn't be a measure */
/* bar, then it returns -1. */
long TrackDisplayMeasureBarIndex(TrackDispScheduleRec* Schedule,
long FrameIndex);
/* find out the frame index for the specified measure bar. if it can't find the */
/* specified measure bar, it returns the location for the largest one less than */
/* the value specified. it returns false if calculation fails. */
MyBoolean TrackDisplayMeasureIndexToFrame(TrackDispScheduleRec* Schedule,
long MeasureBarIndex, long* FrameIndexOut);
/* find out if a measure bar should be greyed out or drawn solid. it returns */
/* true if the measure bar should be greyed. */
MyBoolean TrackDisplayShouldMeasureBarBeGreyed(
TrackDispScheduleRec* Schedule, long FrameIndex);
/* get a list of coordinates that need to be tied together */
/* it might return NIL if there isn't a tie tracker. */
struct TieIntersectListRec* TrackDisplayGetTieIntervalList(TrackDispScheduleRec* Schedule,
long StartX, long Width);